I should have also highlighted the two series of articles that you may find useful as you play with VMS.

This is from the link I posted previously:

   During that eight-year period, I wrote a dozen articles about
   programming in MACRO-32, the VAX assembly language. At one time,
   that was my preferred programming language. I still do a little
   MACRO-32 work, but it hasn’t been my “go to” language for many
   years. All twelve of the MACRO articles can be found at the link below.

   MACRO Made Easy <https://hunter.goatley.com/macro-made-easy/>

   The last seven articles I wrote were co-authored with Ed Heinrich.
   We had pitched a book idea about OpenVMS Systems Programming to DEC
   Press, but for various reasons, the book never happened. The project
   started as a day-long seminar we presented at DECUS Symposia a
   couple of times. Once the book fell through, we decided to turn our
   seminar into a series of /Digital Systems Journal/ articles.

   I’ve posted the articles here. Though they were written when the
   Alpha was new, the ideas presented in them are largely still useful
   techniques for systems programming under OpenVMS.

   Writing OpenVMS Privileged Code

I hope some of you may find them useful.



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