hi all,

during the last few weeks, I have written a new SEC tutorial paper which
can be accessed through this web link:
Links to this tutorial and the relevant Github repository (
https://github.com/simple-evcorr/tutorial) are also available in the SEC
home page.

This tutorial is primarily intended for people who haven't used SEC before,
and it explains the essentials of SEC in a gentle way, starting from simple
examples and gradually moving to more complex ones. After reading this
tutorial, the reader should have a good understanding of event correlation
rules, event correlation operations, contexts, synthetic events, pattern
match caching, and many other things. And it might provide interesting
insights even for experienced users :)

As mentioned in the introduction, this tutorial does not intend to be a
replacement for the official documentation. Therefore, it does not attempt
to explain every possible detail, but rather provide an overview of the key
concepts, so that it would be easier to look up more detailed information
from the man page.

Hopefully the tutorial will be useful and you will find it easy to follow :)

kind regards,
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