Hi Michael,

your post is easier to answer than Onno's ... ;-)

So my second question: is there interrest to implement such? Connected with that: How to send in patches? Is there a programming style guide for simulavr, means, how to write, indent and so one code? What's with code documentation? (I have seen, that sometimes somebody has inserted doxygen comments) Especially, what's with tab usage?

Evil things.

Oh ... :-) But to be a little bit evil every day ... ;-)

But I know, this topic could bring a lot of "flame-fun". On the other hand, maintainance and readability would be much better. Especially if everybody uses soft-tabs (hd size is now not a critical path, I think) instead of real tabs. And every modern editor supports this, so it isn't a real hard thing for programmers.

This brings me to a next hotspot. ;-) I have seen, that there was a discussion about python extension. In the moment it's commented out in makefiles and, if python modul will be built, then it's not usable: an import error raises, because of an missing symbol! (I havn't really analysed, why, because it looks so, that nobody use this in the moment)

I think that there is a missing -liberty on a link line somewhere.

Hm ... no. libiberty will be linked. But, I took a short look on Makefile in src directory (as I see, Makefile.am in src/python will not be used at all, right?), _pysimulavr.so will not get all object files to link together. So it's no wonder, if there are missed symbols. On my tests I linked against src/.libs/libsim.a and also libbfd, libiberty and libstdc++.

The minimal goal would be to be able to use the simulator as a python module.
Informative examples would also be good things.
One might rewrite the standalone executable in python.

I'm working on it, but my C++/python expertise isn't yet.
The swig site looks like it might be more helpful than my Programming Python 

Means, that you want to get the simulation core as python module to use it, for example, to control steps/simulatur run and to show current RAM content in a GUI (or what else)? Right? This should be possible with not so much effort. On the opposite, Onno's problem to connect verilog simulation with simulavr isn't so easy because of time synchronisation problem.

I'll try some ideas in my testbench, make the code a little bit more clean and documented and then I can send it to you for trying (by mail to your mail address or wherelse?)

cu, Thomas

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