>You are right! I've trusted LIBS variable and havn't checked, what's set 
>there. And the best variant to check it: ... try it! So I've seen, that 
>libiberty.a will not be linked. But this isn't my problem: I get:
> > python -c "import _pysimulavr"
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
>ImportError: ./_pysimulavr.so: undefined symbol: _ZN11SystemClock8InstanceEv
>And also, if you look for the link call, then it's sure, that all 
>objects from simulavr are not linked. Your make snippet uses instead of 
>$(libsimulavr_la_OBJECTS) $(libsim_la_OBJECTS) and that's the problem on 
>my site. (btw. I use standard CVS checkout, maybe you use some patches 
>more, which I havn't)

It's labeled buildsystem.three-in-one.patch .

>Btw. is libm and libncurses necessary? And where it is used in simulavrxx?

I think there is a sqrt somewhere,
but I suspect ncurses in not needed.

>> I'm not so much interested in GUIs as the ability to write unit tests,
>> preferably on multi-processor systems.
>Hm ... sounds for me, that we have nearly the same goals. My primary 
>goal now is to get a possibility to use simulavr in unit tests for my 
>coding. And for implementing ATMega16 support too to verify, that 
>hardware like timers and so one run correctly.

I'm more interested in 168s,
but for some tests I might be able to work with a modified 128.

>> That said, I've no objection to others using my work to write GUIs.
>You wrote: "... using my work ..." - is pysimulavr.i from you (and in 
>this case, I think, also make rules to build _pysimulavr.so)? (this 
>question only to know, who I could ask, if there are some questions)

No. So far none of my work is in simularvxx.
I tried to get in a patch for an annoyance in bootstrap, but no-one liked it 
I did promise to do some python stuff, so I'm working on it.

Michael Hennebry
"War is only a hobby."
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