Hi Christian,

maybe put this changes at first not into master branch. I'm not sure, if -fPIC will work in every case (especially with msys on windows) Or split it - the travis file isn't "dangerous".

For the broken things in regression or examples I have to see, what's happen. Regression SHOULD work, it's part of make check! Examples sometimes not updated because forgotten to change too.

Let's check first, what's happen an what's wrong.

cu, Thomas

Am 06.02.2016 um 14:05 schrieb Christian Taedcke:
Hello list,

i set up a travic-ci build, see https://travis-ci.org/chrta/simulavr/bu
ilds/107430533 for the build report and https://github.com/chrta/simula
vr/blob/add_travis_ci/.travis.yml for the necessary file.

travis-ci is a build server which only works for github.com
repositories, but i think we/i could set up a mirror repository that is
synced every 30 minutes.

As you see, some stuff is broken in the regression folder. The build
runs on a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and their default package versions (which
are pretty old).
Some examples are broken, too... These should be checked by travis,

I had to commit two things to simulavr (currently only available on my
1. Add the .travis.yml file
2. Add -fPIC, otherwise when building with ./configure --enable-python
i get a compilation error on travis and on my fedora 23 notebook, see h

Should i commit these to savannah master branch? Any objections?


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