Hi Christian,

2. Add -fPIC, otherwise when building with ./configure
--enable-python i get a compilation error on travis and on my fedora 23

You can also push this change to master branch. As I can see it doesn't
break anything - also on win7/msys. But anyway this seems to be a
problem dedicated to fedora.

About travis: looks nice, but ... :-) it's just one platform/distro and
not updated to newer releases (ubuntu 14.04 is now or if 16.04 is
released also a little bit outdated) There is one point, which I haven't
on my radar: osx!

To check, if all is well on master branch I have some VM's, mostly
ubuntu LTS and open suse and additional win7. Then there is a script in
repo: delivery-check (with the config delivery-check.conf) which build
it unattended on my VM's. And this script makes one step more:
distribution check, e.g. if all files are distributed or some missed.

But why not travis ... you can it simplify by calling "make check"
instead of calling tests extra - this is used as standard regression
test after build. Maybe add the regression test for opcodes on mega2560.
That some tests fail (python controlled tests) depends on used avr gcc.
Depending on version it produces different code and so different
simulation runtime. Some tests are constructed to start something and
then wait a fixed simulation time. If code takes more time then it could
happen, that a test failed. But this is to analyse case by case.

cu, Thomas

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