
I'm trying to acquire knowledge and toolkit for AVR development on
linux hosts (debian jessie, raspberry)

simulavr 0.1.somewhat is fine, but I want to simulate AT90CAN and
hardware response as well, which is not supported.

Unfortunately, simulavr 1.1 lacks of the -P simulavr-disp feature, and
ddd keeps crashing simulavr, even if I use the same command sequence
that work with command line avr-gdb.


My idea was to produce a replacement for simulavr-disp that hooks into
port 7777 like the tcl guis do and print all changes from either all or
selected registers there.

I tried a ncat hack server
       nc -l -p7777
and got back a single line:

        create UpdateControl dummy dummy 

on startup of simulavr -u ....

So, at least, it talks to me :-)

Next I grepped through the tcl sources and hacked a perl script that
does basically the same as the netcat server, but in addition, responds
"__ack X " to every line received from the socket.
A telnet test prooved this working.

But nevertheless, I still get only the single dummy line.
No progress, so to say :-(

I grepped the source and found src/ui/ui.cpp
>From that code I may conclude that I may have to register some "net" or
whatever first, before I get more information out of port 7777.
But then I got lost in dependencies.

Is there any concise documentation on the ui Interface, or at least a
pointer which part of the source I could scan to understand it?


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