Am Sun, 12 Mar 2017 17:00:23 +0100
schrieb Thomas K <>:

> Hi Wolfgang,
> > Unfortunately, simulavr 1.1 lacks of the -P simulavr-disp feature,
> > and ddd keeps crashing simulavr, even if I use the same command
> > sequence that work with command line avr-gdb.
> This sounds for me not as a problem of simulavr, if the same commands
> in avr-gdb work and with ddd not. I'm not sure if ddd maybe assumes a
> Intel processor, not an AVR, this could end in a gdb command, sent to 
> simulavr, which crash then simulavr, because it's not hardened
> against such "missuse".

Well yes, somewhere I found that ddd and gdb continue to form a moving
target to each other, continuing breaking compatibility for each other.

So instead of fiddling broken software, I better spend my time learning
GDB commands.

> > My idea was to produce a replacement for simulavr-disp that hooks
> > into port 7777 like the tcl guis do and print all changes from
> > either all or selected registers there.
> >
> If I assume, that this idea is connected with your other question
> about AVR simulation time, then this will not really help you. But
> for this, see my answer to your other question.

Well, I had a AVRstudio simulation running under wine for some minutes,
before it kept crashing continuously.
The two things I could not model with gdb attached debuggers were
elapsed time and permanent real time watch of all i/o registers.

But I think it is just a didactic issue. Have a visual impression "what
is going on". And for didactic purposes the simuavr 0.1.1.somewhat -P
simulavr-disp is still available.

If it comes to really tricky i/o problems, focus on single registers as
provided by gdb access to memory mapping suffices.

And if it comes to tricky timing, the trace files and the vcd
interface will do their job well, I suppose.

I mean, if a replacement for simulavr-disp were in common need, I'm
sure somebody had coded it.

So my conclusion:
No need to install windows for AVR debugging at the moment :-)

> cu, Thomas
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