

Herewith is the final edited copy of a brochure that has gone out to the
printer this afternoon.  I am sending this to every U.S. Senator, every U.S.
Congressman, and every Member of the UN Security Council, prior to the
December 10th vote on Kosovo.


This may be one last chance for us to help the Christian Serbians in Kosovo
prior to this December vote.


If you, or anybody that you know, can help me in any way to offset the
expenses of printing and postage on this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Some Serbs get embarrassed in sending $100 dollars, but lets face it, ten
Serbs each sending me a $100 covers half of my cost and I would not be once
again digging into the Dorich pocket.


Thank you very much for any help or assistance in this matter and may you
have a holiday season.  


Merry Christmas.




Bill Dorich

10520 Ohio Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90024

Brochure URL: http://www.antic.org/Kosovo/



Please help today, please don't assume that somebody else will send Bill
Dorich $50, or $100, or $200.


Please send even a small donation today.


It is so sad in Kosovo today, perhaps, yes perhaps, some Senator or some
Congressman will read this brochure, or perhaps an underling will read this
brochure and then bring it to the Senator's/Congressmen's attention before
December 10th. 


Perhaps, just perhaps, they may have second thoughts about giving
Kosovo-Metohija, Christian Serbian land, over to the Muslim Albanians.


Our suffering Christian Serbian brothers and sisters needs are so numerous
in Kosovo ... this may help ... we have to try.


Please send a small or large donation today. 


I will guarantee you that if Bill Dorich, one of our own and one of our best
fighters for the Christian Serbian cause, were to receive any extra funds
over the $2,000, the extra funds will be spent on helping those in Kosovo.


Please send a small or large donation to Bill ... he has done so much for us
by himself now for so many years. 


Thanking you in advance for your consideration.

Brochure URL: http://www.antic.org/Kosovo/


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