Anna Taylor wrote:
On, Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 10:11 R. Loosemore wrote:
What I have in mind here is the objection (that I know
some people will raise) that it might harbor some deep-seated animosity
such as an association between human beings in general and something
'bad' that happened to it when it was growing up ... we would easily be
able to catch something like that if we had a trapdoor on the
motivational system.

I'm not clear what you meant, could you rephrase?
I understood, what I have in mind is a trapdoor of the motivational system:)
Do you think motivation is a key factor that generates
singularity-level events?
Am I understanding properly?

Just curious


The word "trapdoor" is a reference to trapdoor algorithms that allow computers to be spied upon: I meant it in a similar sense, that the AI would be built in such a way that we could (in the development stages) spy on what was happening in the motivational system to find out whether the AI was developing any nasty intentions.

The purpose of the essay was to establish that this alternative approach to creating a "friendly" AI would be both viable and (potentially) extremely stable. It is a very different approach to the one currently thought to be the only method, which is to prove properties of the AI's goal system mathematically .... a task that many consider impossible. By suggesting this alternative I am saying that mathematical proof may be impossible, but guarantees of very strong kind may well be possible.

As you probably know, many people (including me) are extremely concerned that AI be developed safely.

Hope that helps,

Richard Loosemore

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