For all it's worth, the development of the atomic bomb is an
often-made comparison ,
as is the invention of powered heavier-than-air flight.

Historiographers of science have various theories, among them  Kuhn's
idea of 'paradigm shift'


2007/5/18, Mark H. Herman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  >:
   I imagine the following may have already been considered,
nevertheless: It would seem constructive to undertake an
analysis of breakthroughs in various fields (e.g. engineering,
art, chemistry) to search for patterns that might be
replicable. A general example of what I mean by a "pattern"
would be, "thesis, antithesis, synthesis." Examples of
patterns that such an analysis might uncover could include
patterns of formal logic, the novel application in one field of
a structure established in another field, the retrieval of
insights from historical theories or practices that were once
competitive, but were found inadequate and long forgotten,
etc. An analysis of such patterns and the identification of
meta-patterns would seem to require broad familiarity with the
various disciplines in which the breakthroughs occurred;
however, the work of identifying the patterns of specific
breakthroughs, which might require extensive and deep knowledge
in the respective fields, could be divided amongst various
experts of various fields. Perhaps something like this would
be worth adding to the agenda of the AI Impact Initiative or
some similar interdisciplinary body.


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