On 6/28/07, Jey Kottalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/28/07, Alan Grimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I want to find people who are as entheuseastic as I am about such a 
>> future, people who are willing to spend hours each day trying to learn 
>> the skills required to develop a superhuman AI instead of wasting all 
>> that mental energy on the question of how many angels can dance on the 
>> head of a pin.
> I fully agree. I'm personally mostly interested in researching, studying and 
> discussing AGI-related topics,

I hate to say it...    I hate to say it....    But it's probably me.

So, a bit late, here is my join post.

  =====  Rick Schwall's Mission Statement  ========
I am up to something in the world, a project I call Humanity's Triumph over 
Evolution (HToE).  

Humanity NEEDS HELP!  We've created problems (such as massive nuclear arsenals 
that could destroy the biosphere, Global Warming,
world poverty and hunger) that seem to be beyond us. "We have met the enemy and 
he is us."

Our human intelligence is limited not only in quantity, but it has a very 
specific quality.  We are a product of 4 billion years of
evolution.  It is only recently that we got language, writing, and the 
beginning of an exponential rise in human capabilities.  We
are hardwired for personal survival, the survival of our young, and the 
survival of our local clan.  We are hardwired to compete for
dominance within the clan; this scales up to a hunger for political power.  
"Intelligence" is layered on top of that.  This is why
we have so much trouble sticking to our morals, our promises, and our New 
Years' resolutions!  Consider that it is the reason the
world news looks the way it does.

We will soon be able to create "Artificial Intelligence" (a problem solving 
machine, optimization engine), that is "smarter" than us
(faster, better & bigger memory, more rigorous).  Eventually we will make one 
that is self-improving or capable creating the next
generation AI; this is called "Seed AI" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seed_AI).

It is critical that we engineer that seed AI to be inherently designed on a 
mission to serve humanity.  Any sloppiness in this is
all too likely to lead to drift of the purpose, then the extinction of 
humanity.  This is the crisis (turning point) we are at RIGHT
NOW.  There are very small teams laying down the groundwork for a Friendly 
Artificial Intelligence  ( see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendly_ai, Also see Singularity Institute 

That is My Mission: to provide humanity with an incredibly powerful 
"intelligence" (problem solver) that MAY be able find answers to
problems that stump us (e.g. how to put and end to war FOR REAL, before war 
leads us to actually USE those huge nuclear arsenals;
how to get the nations MOVING on Global Climate Management, etc).  That engine 
will not include the baggage of 4 billion years of
evolution.  It will be Humanity's Triumph over Evolution.

That is who I am, that is what you can count on.



I'm training myself to be a Friendly AI theoretician.  I could use a mentor 
(Eliezer has declined.)  There are some signs I could
use a keeper.  I'm rounding up people to hold me accountable for milestones so 
my lazy / procrastination nature doesn't rule all.

I was born in 1949 and grew up in Northbrook Illinois.

B.S. Caltech
M.S. & Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Northwestern University
Various short courses in DEC VMS, Oracle, Sun Solaris, document imaging, and 
various forgotten stuff.

I'm a retired computer system administrator and data base administrator.  

Phone: 805-498-2514 (California)

new to SL4.org/wiki as of 4/8/2007
new to climateprediction.net as of 5/21/2007
new to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as of 06/6/2007
new to singularity@v2.listbox.com as of  6/7/2007
new to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as of  6/7/2007

With my best wishes,
Rick Schwall
Very few people are aware that Humanity is in a crisis (a crucial or decisive 
point or situation), that could lead to the extinction
of the human race, or a glorious new future beyond anyone's imagining.  Learn 
more at http://www.singinst.org/ 
The number of heroes is small, so one person (it could be you) can make a real 
I have an e-mail list, where I occasionally send messages on making a 
difference in the world.  To subscribe: send a blank e-mail
Are you troubled by someone's drinking?  Al-Anon can help.
http://www.alanonventura.org   http://www.al-anon.org   1-888-4AL-ANON
Whatever "problem" is currently there, God can handle it in God's way,
and I am welcome to my opinion on the matter.
Open a whole new world of possibility.  Ask me about
The foundation of love is accepting them just as they are, and just as they're 
Another person's "bad" behavior is NOT the block to love,
my refusal to accept it is the block to love.

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