Welcome to the Great Cause! For becoming familiar with
the concepts of AGI and the Singularity, I recommend
http://www.singinst.org/reading/corereading/. As for
becoming an AGI designer, see

 - Tom

--- Rick Schwall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/28/07, Jey Kottalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On 6/28/07, Alan Grimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> I want to find people who are as entheuseastic as
> I am about such a 
> >> future, people who are willing to spend hours
> each day trying to learn 
> >> the skills required to develop a superhuman AI
> instead of wasting all 
> >> that mental energy on the question of how many
> angels can dance on the 
> >> head of a pin.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I fully agree. I'm personally mostly interested in
> researching, studying and discussing AGI-related
> topics,
> I hate to say it...    I hate to say it....    But
> it's probably me.
> So, a bit late, here is my join post.
>   =====  Rick Schwall's Mission Statement  ========
> I am up to something in the world, a project I call
> Humanity's Triumph over Evolution (HToE).  
> Humanity NEEDS HELP!  We've created problems (such
> as massive nuclear arsenals that could destroy the
> biosphere, Global Warming,
> world poverty and hunger) that seem to be beyond us.
> "We have met the enemy and he is us."
> (http://www.igopogo.com/final_authority.htm)
> Our human intelligence is limited not only in
> quantity, but it has a very specific quality.  We
> are a product of 4 billion years of
> evolution.  It is only recently that we got
> language, writing, and the beginning of an
> exponential rise in human capabilities.  We
> are hardwired for personal survival, the survival of
> our young, and the survival of our local clan.  We
> are hardwired to compete for
> dominance within the clan; this scales up to a
> hunger for political power.  "Intelligence" is
> layered on top of that.  This is why
> we have so much trouble sticking to our morals, our
> promises, and our New Years' resolutions!  Consider
> that it is the reason the
> world news looks the way it does.
> We will soon be able to create "Artificial
> Intelligence" (a problem solving machine,
> optimization engine), that is "smarter" than us
> (faster, better & bigger memory, more rigorous). 
> Eventually we will make one that is self-improving
> or capable creating the next
> generation AI; this is called "Seed AI"
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seed_AI).
> It is critical that we engineer that seed AI to be
> inherently designed on a mission to serve humanity. 
> Any sloppiness in this is
> all too likely to lead to drift of the purpose, then
> the extinction of humanity.  This is the crisis
> (turning point) we are at RIGHT
> NOW.  There are very small teams laying down the
> groundwork for a Friendly Artificial Intelligence  (
> see
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendly_ai, Also see
> Singularity Institute (http://www.singinst.org)).
> That is My Mission: to provide humanity with an
> incredibly powerful "intelligence" (problem solver)
> that MAY be able find answers to
> problems that stump us (e.g. how to put and end to
> war FOR REAL, before war leads us to actually USE
> those huge nuclear arsenals;
> how to get the nations MOVING on Global Climate
> Management, etc).  That engine will not include the
> baggage of 4 billion years of
> evolution.  It will be Humanity's Triumph over
> Evolution.
> That is who I am, that is what you can count on.
>   --------------------------------------
> Biography:
> I'm training myself to be a Friendly AI
> theoretician.  I could use a mentor (Eliezer has
> declined.)  There are some signs I could
> use a keeper.  I'm rounding up people to hold me
> accountable for milestones so my lazy /
> procrastination nature doesn't rule all.
> I was born in 1949 and grew up in Northbrook
> Illinois.
> Education:
> B.S. Caltech
> M.S. & Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Northwestern
> University
> Various short courses in DEC VMS, Oracle, Sun
> Solaris, document imaging, and various forgotten
> stuff.
> I'm a retired computer system administrator and data
> base administrator.  
> Phone: 805-498-2514 (California)
> new to SL4.org/wiki as of 4/8/2007
> new to climateprediction.net as of 5/21/2007
> new to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as of 06/6/2007
> new to singularity@v2.listbox.com as of  6/7/2007
> new to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as of  6/7/2007
> With my best wishes,
> Rick Schwall
> ----------------------------------------------
> Very few people are aware that Humanity is in a
> crisis (a crucial or decisive point or situation),
> that could lead to the extinction
> of the human race, or a glorious new future beyond
> anyone's imagining.  Learn more at
> http://www.singinst.org/ 
> The number of heroes is small, so one person (it
> could be you) can make a real difference.
>  -----------------------------------
> I have an e-mail list, where I occasionally send
> messages on making a difference in the world.  To
> subscribe: send a blank e-mail
> to:
>  -----------------------------------------------
> Are you troubled by someone's drinking?  Al-Anon can
> help.
> http://www.alanonventura.org  
> http://www.al-anon.org   1-888-4AL-ANON
>  ----------------------------------------------
> Whatever "problem" is currently there, God can
> handle it in God's way,
> and I am welcome to my opinion on the matter.
>  ------------------------------------------------
> Open a whole new world of possibility.  Ask me about
> http://www.landmarkeducation.com
>  ------------------------------------------------
> The foundation of love is accepting them just as
> they are, and just as they're not.
> Another person's "bad" behavior is NOT the block to
> love,
> my refusal to accept it is the block to love.
> -----
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> http://www.agiri.org/email
> To unsubscribe or change your options, please go to:

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