Thank you for your response.  I have read your other posts and understand what 
'the story' is so to speak.  I understand where you are coming from and when I 
talk about evolution therioes this is not to throw a 'stick in the wheel' so to 
speak, it is to think with a universal mind.  From my view point I want to know 
what the ultimate goal is...I understand quite clearly that if you 'give a dog 
a bone' with regards to AGI's that is all it will have however I battle to 
understand the point.  
You say...advanced what this AGI going to help me 
think quicker ?  Is this AGI going to reap massive benefits for my company ?  
Is this AGI going to be my best friend ?  Is this AGI purely going to be a 
soldier ?  Is this AGI going to help me understand logic ? 
Do you see where I am going with this ?  I understand technology and I 
understand moving at a fast past, what I do not understand is the benefit ?  
Perhaps you and AI live in the Science Fiction world and it's not the other way 
round ??  
> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 15:14:05 -0400> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
>> Subject: Re: [singularity] QUESTION> > candice 
> schuster wrote:> > Ok Richard, let's talk about your scenario...define 'Mad', 
> 'Irrational' > > and 'Improbable scenario' ?> > > > Let's look at some of 
> Charles Darwin's and Richard Dawkins theories as > > some examples in this 
> improbable scenario. Ever heard of a Meme ? or > > the Memetic Theory ? I 
> would like to say that based on these and the > > very probable scenario of 
> AI combined with cognitive thought processes > > the chances of 'survival of 
> the fittest' starts to look very rosy > > indeed. Remember it's one 
> Superpower against another, whether that be > > man against man or country 
> against country.> > > > Furthermore you need to look at the bigger 
> picture...the ultimate goal > > here is as A. Yost mentioned, dollar signs 
> and Super Power for the > > organisations involved. > > > > Candice> > Yup, 
> know all about memes.> > Suppose that the first AGI is completely friendly 
> (grant me that > assumption), and that it is encouraged to quickly 
> self-improve until it > can think at a thousand times human speed.> > It 
> says: "In order to ensure that the world stays safe, I need to take > action 
> now to modify all the other AGI projects on the planet, to make > sure that 
> they all have exactly the same motivation system that I have, > and to ensure 
> that no further developments in the future will lead to > any unfriendly, 
> malevolent systems. I have the technology to do this > quietly, and 
> peacefully, without harming the knowledge of these other > systems (to the 
> extent that they have knowledge or self-awareness at > all). Would you like 
> me to go ahead and do this?"> > If you say "yes", nothing much will appear to 
> happen, but from that > point on all the rest of the AGI systems in the world 
> will act, in > effect, as one large friendly system.> > Now, here is the 
> response to your specific question: from that point > on, there is not one, 
> single aspect of evolutionary systems that applies > any more. There are no 
> darwinian pressures, no gene reassortment, no > meme propagation, no 
> commercial pressures, no genotype/phenotype > distinctions, nothing. Every 
> single aspect of the huge mechanism that > we call "evolution" or "survival 
> of the fittest" does not apply. All of > that stuff that has been going on 
> with the bits of DNA competing with > one another to make higher and higher 
> organisms to serves their needs -- > all completely and utterly irrelevant to 
> the further development of AGI > systems.> > So, you can cite evolutionary 
> pressures, but you have to be very precise > about what context your are 
> imagining them to be operating in: after > the first AGI is created, it all 
> becomes irrelevant.> > Before the first AGI is created, there are still some 
> pressures, but I > have given some reasons (in a separate post) why we coould 
> still be in a > situation where most of those pressures are either nullified 
> or simply > will not have any time to operate.> > Granted, there are 
> assumptions in this scenario .... but we should be > talking about those 
> assumptions explicitly, and in enormous detail, > rather than trying to shoot 
> down ideas about the future by simply citing > the pressures of evolution or 
> commercial competition. When we discuss > the underlying details we determine 
> whether or not any of those > "evolutionary" considerations even have a 
> chance of playing a role, so > we cannot shoot down the arguments by using 
> the idea of evolution as a > weapon.> > > > Richard Loosemore.> > > P.S. 
> Sorry that I seemed so testy last night: should have been more > diplomatic 
> to both yourself and A Yost. I had just spent a few days > going over basic 
> arguments that are decades old, for the Nth time, for > the benefit of people 
> who had not seen them before, and the shear > pointlessness of the effort 
> just started to me.> > -----> This list is sponsored by AGIRI: 
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