Albert is referring to the 'Soul life force' if I understand him correctly.  It 
is a theory just like any other and probably coincides with many peoples want 
to achieve Utopia on an individual level and not with the help of AI's !
> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 17:30:26 +1000> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
>> Subject: Re: [singularity] CONJECTURE OR TRUTH> > 
> On 26/10/2007, albert medina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > Dear Sir or 
> Madam,> >> > The human brain knows that it does not know. This very fact 
> prompts it to> > act to know, producing the innovation which has brought us 
> to this moment in> > time. This is because it derives all of its vital energy 
> from a source> > beyond itself. . .above it and infinitely more subtle than 
> it. It cannot> > "tap into" that source by its own efforts because the source 
> is non-material> > and is an energy which cannot be measured by any means. 
> Ironically, the> > source only supplies raw energy. . .the brain may do with 
> it what it likes> > (free will, constructive or destructive).> >> > The brain 
> is not alive, nor is it conscious.> >> > It borrows all of its vital energy 
> from the source mentioned above. That> > source is the reservoir of 
> consciousness, beyond physics (of any type) and> > beyond metaphysics. Again, 
> it cannot be measured by any material> > instrument.> >> > Man cannot produce 
> this original, vital energy. Consciousness is not of> > man. . .it is used by 
> man (and woman) and every lifeform known. It is> > immortal, ubiquitous and 
> unknown.> >> > The exoteric must confront the esoteric, but it will always be 
> defeated> > because of former is an effect and the latter is the cause.> >> > 
> Sincerely,> >> > Albert> > You do realise that most readers of this list will 
> regard what you> have just written as nonsense not even worth rebutting? I 
> don't intend> this to be denigrating, just a description of your audience.> > 
> > > -- > Stathis Papaioannou> > -----> This list is sponsored by AGIRI: 
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