Hi Bruno,

> effectively,my commentary is very short so excuse-my(i drive my pc with my
> eyes
> because i am a a.l.s with tracheo and gastro and i was a speaker,not a
> writer and it's difficult)

Well that is certainly a good reason for your commentaries being short!

> hello ben
> ok ,i stop,no problem
> i am thinking mcfadden'theory was possible right because of
> wave-matter-structure and
> no-particle-matter-structure

Certainly the wave nature of matter is a necessary prerequisite for
McFadden's theory to be correct -- but that's already built into quantum
mechanics, right?

The question is whether proteins really function as macroscopic quantum
systems, in the way that McFadden suggests.  They may or may not, but I
don't think the answer is obvious from the wave nature of matter...

-- Ben

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