Eric B. Ramsay wrote:
It took Microsoft over 1000 engineers, $6 Billion and several years to make Vista. Will building an AGI be any less formidable? If the AGI effort is comparable, how can the relatively small efforts of Ben (comparatively speaking) and others possibly succeed? If the effort to build an AGI is not comparable, why not? Perhaps a consortium (non-governmental) should be created specifically for the building of an AGI. Ben talks about a Manhattan style project. A consortium could pool all resources currently available (people and hardware), actively seek private funds on a continuing basis and give coherence to the effort.

The answer is yes and no.

I have argued that the methodology and techniques that have been used in AI for the last fifty years (and which are still being used for AGI) are based on a seriously broken assumption. If I am right, then a Manhattan Project that used current techniques would be a complete waste of money.

As for your comparison with Vista, this is both valid and not valid. The software development techniques used to develop things like Vista are atrocious, and would be a serious hindrance in the context of a massively parallel AGI project. However, there are ways around this problem that work especially well if the target is an AGI system.

These twin issues - the AI methodology problem and the problem of managing ultra-complex software projects - are the two areas that I have spent the last 25 years working on. I believe that I have found solutions to each problem (rather, a tightly-coupled pair of solutions) which are good enough to work.

I happen to believe that a Manhattan Project that took account of the two problems, and used solutions similar to the ones that I have proposed (or that I have researched: the second is not in the public domain) would have a good chance of succeeding in a short timeframe.

But, alas, having the solution (if indeed I do have the solution) has little to do with getting the solution actually accepted and implemented. That is just not the way the world works.

So my dismal prognosis is that someone will eventually start a Manhattan Project to build an AGI, and it will have all the stunning success of the last time that anyone tried such a thing: Japan's "Fifth Generation Project".

Richard Loosemore

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