Hi Matt,

Great topic here.

Remember, the Manhattan Project didn't come about until everyone believed a
global catastrophe was afoot. That kind of mentality seems to help bring
people together to make amazing stuff, in that case explosive stuff. As
narrow AI and robotics become more ubiquitous, the pressure to form an AGI
Manhattan Project will increase. Simple technologies like narrow AI
(software) and robotics are weeding out labor, reforming the economic
playing field (however slowly) into a laborless society. The signs of this
are slight, but striking. It seems that only those in the
hypertechnology/Singularity field see where its going economically, however
scantily. Some examples: Major unemployment in management positions second
to industrial loss, the failure of the debt market, increased hoarding of
the rich, and price inflation that began to catapult in the mid 1970s,
progressing to this day.

Continued automation of service and expert systems fused with robotics will
break the old economic dinosaur sooner or later. Like AGI research,
heterodox economic research isn't profitable, which will remain so until the
glass underneath us thins and shatters. I see one of two likely pathways
approaching before Manhattan Project activity ensues, (1) a great economic
collapse or (2) the formation of a new "friendly opposition" that acts to
even things using "big stick" political means. Either of these movements
will require capable AGI.

Microsoft could use a Human Waste Management department to go with the
infinitude of other departments it currently has, not to mention a Human
Waste Management department for the Human Waste Management department.
Perhaps that would be too costly?

It would be wise for the AGI collective to write an AGI Roadmap to present
to the public once working or theoretical architectures are firmly in place.
That would help promote AGI and potentially save forming an AGI Manhattan


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