See below.


On Aug 3, 2007, at 5:04 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:

> On 08/02/07 20:04, Daniel Corbe wrote:
>> Out of curiosity are you affiliated with the OpenSER project?
> yes, I am, very deep involved actually, from its beginning.
>>   If so does OpenSER support SCTP?
> It does, since few days ago. It came as a contribution from  
> Connecticut College, I reviewed and integrated in OpenSER and did  
> the initial testings.
>>   Is that why you need a phone that runs over SCTP?
> Yes. In fact, other SIP entity with SCTP support is fine (of  
> course, at a low cost). I would like to test with other  
> implementation, you know, interoperability in VoIP/SIP was all the  
> time a pain in the ...
>> What's the purpose if you have other more reliable transport  
>> mechanisms for SIP such as TCP?
> TCP brings a lot of overhead, it is one-to-one communication model,  
> while with SCTP you get one to many, as with UDP. For SIP servers  
> able to support large number of online subscribers, TCP reduce the  
> capacity a lot. Also, for NAT, TCP is problematic if the phone does  
> not maintain the connection open, it is basically impossible to  
> open the connection from server side.
> The problem I see with UDP is fragmentation and encryption. SCTP  
> and TLS-SCTP overcome them. We face now big SIP messages,  
> especially in IM&Presence extensions.

There's many differing opinions on this issue.  With things like  
kqueue() and epoll() you can easily squeeze 50k or more simultaneous  
connections onto a single server and have plenty of processing power  
left over for things like TLS.  More often than not its the higher  
layers which are the bottleneck.

I don't know how well SCTP performs under these sorts of loads but if  
it performs better than TCP while providing some connection-oriented  
services that UDP doesn't, more power to you.  From my chair here;  
though, SCTP would have to support bindings into the 100K range per  
box or more before I would consider it a viable option over UDP.

Working on increasing the capacity of your service alone does little  
good because then it becomes a gigantic single point of failure.  I  
would like to see more open source projects like OpenSER support full  
signaling state redundancy between two boxes.  Only then would I ever  
consider shoving 100k bindings onto a single registrar.

>> AFAIK the only thing in heavy deployment in telephony that uses  
>> SCTP is SIGTRAN and family.
> OK, so, then here is another question, do you think that SCTP won't  
> make it to the end devices (e.g., phones)?

I try not to make predictions because I'm wrong more than I'm right.

> Cheers,
> Daniel
>> -DAniel
>> On Aug 2, 2007, at 12:30 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I couldn't find much about SIP phones with SCTP support. Are you  
>>> aware
>>> of any?
>>> OpenSER introduced support for SCTP and for testing it was used:
>>> [udp] -------- [udp] openser [sctp] ------------ [sctp] openser  
>>> [udp]
>>> ------------ [udp]
>>> But using against other devices is really the challenge. I found  
>>> some
>>> references to a modified KPhone version, but no luck to get it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Daniel
>>> -- 
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