> UA1 is registered to proxy 1 and UA2 is registered to proxy 2, I need to
> make a call from UA1 to UA2. Proxy 1 and Proxy 2 are in the same LAN but
> they do not know of each other. Then when UA1 dials the number of UA2, the
> proxy 1 is currently rejecting the call with 480-No address found. How can I
> make proxy1 and proxy 2 to talk to each other so that call from UA1 to UA2
> will work? Please give me the details.

You need to make Proxy1 forward this message to Proxy2. Please check SIP 
trunking configuration of Proxy manual/software. In general, proxy associate 
access code to one or more trunk and forward message if R-URI contains 
specified access code. Which proxy you are using ?

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