On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 11:55 AM, Frank W. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I've been following this discussion for a bit.  I agree that the grammar is
>  probably overly permissive but it is what it is.  Just for fun, I decided to
>  contribute a bit here.  In my implementation, I run the following little
>  preprocessor bit over all incoming messages.  The idea is to try to put the
>  message in a little bit more "normal" form prior to parsing.  This code is
>  part of the Asterisk implementation as well when the "pendantic" option is
>  turned on.  It does a single pass over the message and collapses it
>  "in-place" in the provided buffer.  It can probably be improved so I'm
>  interested in any and all comments.  No license on this, use it as you
>  will...

I think line folding was not a terribly good idea. It complicates the
parser and costs some processing overhead. As for the other stuff
people complain about ( too many spaces and tabs and what not) - they
are trivial to deal with. Yes you can produce terrible looking legal
messages but any sensible implementation would not emit such messages.

The problem is that a legal implementation *Could* emit such messages
so we cannot use hindsight and tighten up the grammar.

Oh incidentally, you can produce awfully formatted legal c++ syntax
too but nobody would suggest we tighten up c++ grammar and make it
more like python for reasons of readability. What is done is done.


M. Ranganathan
Sip-implementors mailing list

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