
I have a question on rfc 3262. The document lists the Contact header as 
optional in 18x provisional responses that require reliable handling 
(Require: 100rel).

On the other hand, the document states that "PRACK is like any other
    request within a dialog, and the UAS core processes it according to
    the procedures of Sections 8.2 and 12.2.2 of RFC 3261."

But shouldn't in-dialog requests be addressed to the remote peer URI, 
that is normally carried in the Contact: header? So, shouldn't the 
Contact header be marked as required for the provisional responses that 
require reliable handling? Otherwise an UAC would not be able to address 
the PRACK request properly.

I searched this list archives and found this topic has been touched earlier:

We have a long argument with a SIP vendor who insists that Contact 
header is optional in provisional responses - even those that require 
reliable handling, according to rfc3262. But that breaks logic in our 
code where early dialogs set up with reliable provisional responses are 
treated as normal dialogs; as the result the PRACK requests _needs_ to 
be sent as in-dialog request and addressed to the remote peer URI.

We'd rather to avoid creating vendor-specific workarounds in our code, 
as it works with reliable responses sent by other SIP end-points. So, I 
hope to get here some opinion to back up our position in this argument :-)

Thank you all in advance,

Best regards,
Dmitry Akindinov
Sip-implementors mailing list

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