2009/8/31 Stefan Sayer <stefan.sa...@iptego.de>:
> Hi Iñaki,
> o Iñaki Baz Castillo [08/31/09 13:23]:
>> Hi, an existing and very extended privative and diabolic VoIP protocol
>> has a cool feature about voice conference:
>> 1) alice is speaking with bob.
>> 2) alice decide to invite carol to the conference.
>> 3) carol receives a call and shows the number of the participants
>> (alice and bob).
>> With the current SIP conference specifications (which I have not read
>> yet):
>> - Is point 2 possible? This is: creating a conference from a previous
>> user2user normal call.
> alice can set up the conference call and transfer bob and possibly carol
> into the conference.

Yes, but this is not so useful. In most of the cases the flow is:

- alice is speaking with bob.
- Later, both realize that carol has been connected (presente status).
- alice wants to invite carol to the *existing* conference.

This is what people expects instead of having to call first to the
conference server, latter invite bob and carol in other phone line and
transfer them to the conference.

>> - Is point 3 possible? This is: the INVITE carol receives contains
>> info about the current participants and also includes some header or
> I think the idea is to SUBSCRIBE to a conference notification service that
> will give you the list of participants attending, and NOTIFY you in case of
> changes.

Sorry but I don't understand. How could it be useful? what about
dynamically created conferences? Nobody can expect that carol is
always subscribed to *any* conference. And anyway... does a
"subscription to conference status" exist for SIP?

>> attribute that indicates carol that the request comes from a
>> conference system.
> grep the standards for "isfocus".
> A much much simpler method for a completely centralized conference: Have the
> SDP contain an u= line (see RFC4566), or the INVITE a Call-Info header (see
> 3261) with the url, and in the client display the conference status and
> control with state of the art web app GUI (not very beautiful example, but
> does have url in SDP: https://webconference.iptel.org ). REFER bob to the
> conference.

Thanks, but what you suggest seems more a "propietary" implementation
rather than a real standard, so it would require "custom" clients
understanding these parameters in the way you suggest. Also, I expect
that the days in which all the "cool" SIP features are implemented as
a web are close to dissapear :)

The intelligence must be in the endpoints rather than in a web page :)

Iñaki Baz Castillo

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