Hi all,

Below I assume using tcp transport for registrations.

As I understand, while using a reliable transport for dialogs the
connection between UAC and the next hop is active until the dialog is
terminated by one party sending BYE and another party responding back.
The connections on both sides are then closed.

I am looking at the REGISTER method, and I see that it does not
establish a dialog [RFC3261: 10.2 Constructing the REGISTER Request].
So as I understand, the UAC registers itself(sends a REGISTER request)
with the location service, and closes the connection. And then opens a
connection every now and then to update the registration so it would
not expire.

Say the UAC is behind the NAT. And after sending a REGISTER request
through my proxy, I want this connection to stay open, so that others
could reach this UAC through the proxy.

Please correct me if my understanding of a dialog is wrong. That the
dialog enforces the connections to stay open. Where REGISTER, is a set
of transactions that do not require connection to stay active.

Thank you,

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