Hi All,

Thanks for the reply.


I checked the TO tag for both 18x and noticed that both are the same.

Here i would like to know one more thing..

Do you think, that after sending 180 ringing(where local ringing should
generate), if my UAS is sending 183 without SDP will stop the local ringing?

Nitin Kapoor

On 12 May 2010 12:13, Kanumuri, Sreeram <sreer...@qualcomm.com> wrote:

>  >1)      Is that the correct behavior that after getting 183 without SDP
> the
> >ringing get stopped, because  183 doesn’t have the SDP which means it
> should
> >not generate the ring for destination country.
> 183 means "the call is being processed.."
> Ringing should not happen after 183.
> In General it is good to generate a "click...click.." sound to let the user
> that the call is still in processing state.(Something is happening)
> In your case I think the proxy has forwarded the call to the end UA.
> There could be some Feature enabled on proxy for this UA (callforward No
> Reply after 5 rings…).
> proxy as there is no response could be trying to reach the 2nd UA in the
> list it has for the AoR .
> that’s why you could be seeing 180, followed by 183.
> >In which scenario we are ideally getting 183 without SDP after
> >getting 180 from UAS.
> Other possibility,
> did you check the to-tags of both 180 and 183?
> Looks like the proxy at the other end is forking and there are 2 dialogs
> created in this case.
> So how  to handle a case having 2 different dialogs because of 180,183 is
> up to the UA.
> It is not standardized.
> HTH,
> Sreeram.
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