On 11/22/11 1:27 AM, Kumar, Puneet (Puneet) wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am working on a implementation issue where SIP message flow is:
> UAC                                   UAS
> -------------INVITE w/o SDP-------->
> <-----------200 OK w/SDP------------
> Here UAC sends a slow start INVITE to UAS.
> UAS replies with a offer in 200OK.
> Now this 200OK has codec's which UAC doesn't support.

I presume you mean that the offer contains *no* codecs that the UAC can 

You must send an ACK. So send one with an answer that has the port set 
to zero in the m-line with the unacceptable codecs, thus rejecting it.

After that you have two choices:

- send a BYE

- send a re-INVITE with an offer that suits you.

> What should be the response if this INVITE is a reINVITE w/o SDP ?

I think the same strategy works. But you could then re-offer what had 
previously worked, with a higher expectation that it would work again.

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