
Is the below value acceptable in the Alert-Info header value?


If the value is sent as

$@#$%^&*()_+{}:<>? with out a single double quote ", the INVITE is being
sent by UAC and is being accepted by UAS. If the value is sent as
$@#$%^&*()_+{}:"<>?" with two double quotes " ", the INVITE is being sent
by UAC and is being accepted by the UAS.

If there are any open ended symbols like single parenthesis "(" or single
bracket "[" or single flower bracket "{" or single double quotes ' " ",
INVITE is being retransmitted.

Do we need to validate the header value in this case? If so, what are the
things to be considered? One thing is to check if there are any open ended
symbols as above. Are there any other things to consider while validation?

Pramida Tumma
Sip-implementors mailing list

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