
The ABNF grammar for Alert-Info is:

   Alert-Info   =  "Alert-Info" HCOLON alert-param *(COMMA alert-param)
   alert-param  =  LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI generic-param )

I have an application that seems to utilise just a generic-param without a URI. However, I don't see any */? quantifiers for absoluteURI which suggest that it's optional:

   absoluteURI    =  scheme ":" ( hier-part / opaque-part )

Maybe it's a failure on my part to properly understand ABNF, however.

My fundamental question is: is there any grammatically acceptable way to have an Alert-Info header value consisting of no URI and just a generic-param, e.g.

   Alert-Info: ;internal=xyz
   Alert-Info: <>;internal=xyz


-- Alex

Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
303 Perimeter Center North, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30346
United States

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