is your session border controller (BSC or SBS as you refer to

From the 2nd file (CM_trace_Trk13-EDN_drop-10-22-15.txt) there looks
intermingled in the trace an attempt by the SBC to bridge the call to
another endpoint, and it may have successfully made that connection (from
notice of 200 response in trace).  But then the SBC doesn't like something
about that leg of the call and so returned the 504 to the caller as shown
in the trace.

So you need to investigate the other leg of the call and figure out why the
SBC didn't like it.  Normally when you think you have a good call but no
audio followed by disconnect after 30 seconds indicates media isn't getting
through a firewall somewhere (and/or some connection info needs to be
rewritten in the sdp by the sbc), but in this case the SBC isn't sending
the 200 back to the caller, so the problem must be something else.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Moysés Mora Delgado. <
moisesmor...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello  SIP community,
> Please your
> inputs on this situation,  we currently
> have a SIP connections like this:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Client………..OUR BSC……….OUR AVAYA PBX
> The issue is
> there are some calls that are incoming without audio and then after 55
> seconds
> drops(Agent answer),  I  got some trace from our PBX but unfortunately I
> our SBS is administrated by a third party, so why I would like to know if
> you
> can give me a clue about where the root cause will come, in the attached
> you
> can see the trace from the PBX and the mst trace from the server UI.
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Telecom Logic, LLC
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