Hi Paul,

Thanks a lot,  You have put it in a nice way , I understood the use-case
for Forking

But I have the following question

*This all assumes that the 2xx matches an INVITE transaction you have
pending, and that the from-tag and call-id match what was in the
corresponding INVITE.Otherwise this is a stray message or an attack and
ought to be ignored.*

*So if the 200 OK received having different "Call-ID" *not matching with
the Call-ID which is sent in INVITE by UA, it should be ignored. ( even if
Cseq/From-tag/branch parameter is same as INVITE which is sent out)  ?*

What would be the UA behaviour in above case ?

On 31 Jul 2017 10:21 p.m., "Paul Kyzivat" <pkyzi...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> On 7/31/17 11:26 AM, Prakash K wrote:
>> What would be the behavior of UA when 200 OK received which is not
>> matching
>> the dialog
>> "200OK received by UA with different Call-id which is not in context"
>> I see the following snippet in RFC 3261 which says UA should create
>> dialog. Wont this end up in acknowledging the hacking?
>>    If the dialog identifier in the 2xx response matches the dialog
>>     identifier of an existing dialog, the dialog MUST be transitioned to
>>     the "confirmed" state, and the route set for the dialog MUST be
>>     recomputed based on the 2xx response using the procedures of Section
>>  *Otherwise, a new dialog in the "confirmed" state MUST be
>>     constructed using the procedures of Section 12.1.2.*
>> does this mean UA should generate ACK & immediately followed by BYE should
>> be triggered?
> As is mentioned in the prior paragraph, this is primarily about forking.
> If the initial INVITE is forked, then two or more UASs may respond. Each
> will choose a unique to-tag, and since the to-tag is part of the dialog-id
> each will be associated with a distinct dialog.
> The dialogs for various forks may be discovered via 1xx responses, in
> which case the corresponding 2xx may match an existing dialog. OTOH
> sometimes a UAS will send a 2xx without first sending a 1xx. In that case
> the mentioned situation will occur.
> Also note that this can happen without forking if the single UAS
> immediately responds with a 2xx.
> The forking case where you actually get multiple 2xx reponses,
> establishing multiple dialogs, is pretty rare. Usually the forking proxy
> ceases forking when it sees a 2xx response and attempts to cancel any other
> outstanding legs. But it *can* happen and the UAC needs to be prepared to
> cope when it does. *What* you do is unspecified. Immediately sending a BYE
> is a popular solution because it is easy. But it isn't especially friendly
> to the callee. Other possibilities:
> - form a conference call within your UAC, mixing the audio from
>   the multiple legs
> - play some prerecorded audio explaining why you are hanging up,
>   then BYE.
> This all assumes that the 2xx matches an INVITE transaction you have
> pending, and that the from-tag and call-id match what was in the
> corresponding INVITE. Otherwise this is a stray message or an attack and
> ought to be ignored.
>         Thanks,
>         Paul
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