This question came up when we started to look at display name in a CPIM From 
header of an MSRP SEND (RFC4975):  If you put quotes around a display name 
(called Formal-name in RFC3862), then you do NOT put a space after the end 
quote and the "<" of the URI.

>From RFC3862<>, the definition of 
>From is:
From-header = "From" ": " [ Formal-name ] "<" URI ">"
                        ; "From" is case-sensitive

In the ABNF the definition of Formal-name is:
Formal-name  = 1*( Token SP ) / String
String       = DQUOTE *( Str-char / Escape ) DQUOTE
Token        = 1*TOKENCHAR

So, if the Formal-name starts with double quotes (") there is no space (SP) 
between the last double quote and the angle brackets in starting the URI. As 
such, the values should be: Alice <tel:+15145551212>   or   

This is probably a tiny oversight in RFC3862, but I guess we are not going to 
update the RFC - has anyone come across this before?


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