On 9/4/18 1:56 PM, Nancy Greene wrote:
This question came up when we started to look at display name in a CPIM From header of an 
MSRP SEND (RFC4975):  If you put quotes around a display name (called Formal-name in 
RFC3862), then you do NOT put a space after the end quote and the "<" of the 

From RFC3862<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3862#page-16>, the definition of 
From is:
From-header = "From" ": " [ Formal-name ] "<" URI ">"
                         ; "From" is case-sensitive

In the ABNF the definition of Formal-name is:
Formal-name  = 1*( Token SP ) / String
String       = DQUOTE *( Str-char / Escape ) DQUOTE
Token        = 1*TOKENCHAR

So, if the Formal-name starts with double quotes (") there is no space (SP) between the last double 
quote and the angle brackets in starting the URI. As such, the values should be: Alice 
<tel:+15145551212>   or   "Alice"<tel:+15145551212>

This is probably a tiny oversight in RFC3862, but I guess we are not going to 
update the RFC - has anyone come across this before?

I guess we can question whether this is an oversight or intentional. (I don't recall, but I would guess an oversight.) There are no examples with a quoted Formal-name to confirm the intent.

This was "patterned" after From in SIP, but it diverges in several ways. 3261 is quite free with whitespace, whereas this is strict about it. Also there is the case-sensitivity of "From", if you believe the the comment in the ABNF is normative.

I doubt there will be a bis, but you could initiate an update if you feel it is important.

I would recommend that implementations strictly follow the syntax in what the generate, but be looser in what they accept, around whitespace and case-sensitivity.

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