Hi all,

we saw a SIP implementation violating the SDP offer/answer procedure when
answering a Re-Invite.

Here is the signalling:

Server                                       Client


   m=audio 18410 RTP/AVP 8 100 118




   a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000

   a=fmtp:8 vad=no

   a=rtpmap:100 telephone-event/8000

   a=fmtp:100 0-15

   a=rtpmap:118 PCMA/8000

   a=gpmd:118 vbd=yes


   <----------------200 OK---------------------+

               m=audio 9158 RTP/AVP 8 118 100

               a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000

               a=fmtp:8 vad=no

               a=rtpmap:118 PCMA/8000

               a=rtpmap:100 telephone-event/8000

               a=fmtp:100 0-15



   m=audio 18410 RTP/AVP 8

   a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000

   a=gpmd:8 vbd=yes

   a=silenceSupp:off - - - -

   <----------------200 OK---------------------+

                        m=audio 9158 RTP/AVP 118

                        a=rtpmap:118 PCMA/8000


In the last 200OK Client is sending a Payload type (118) which was not
offered in the Re-Invite. The Re-Invite is generated when the SIP Server is
detecting a fax transmission and applies ITU V.152 (Voice Band Data), this
is also how gpmd Attribute is introduced.

The SIP Client vendor commented this on the case:

*"after call is answered (media session is established), provider
renegotiates codec set and changes PCMA codec description bound to payload
8 with the description which was bound to payload 118 in initial
negotiation of media session.*

*It causes conflict, because new description of PCMA codec is already bound
to payload 118 in initial offer/answer.*

*Voip provider can configure own side of trunk and avoid usage of
non-standard extensions in payload description (remove unnecessary
duplication of codecs). Also, provider need to preserve payload definitions
when renegotiate media session."*

So is the vendor right by saying that payload description have to be
preserved during a session? It did not find this in the SDP offer/answer

We never saw any other vendor having issues with this signalling.

Best Regards
Philipp Schöning
Sip-implementors mailing list

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