
the exact command would be

tcpdump -i interface_name -s 0 -w /tmp/some_file_name.pcap port x.y.z


- interface_name is the name of the interface through which the machine running sipp communicates with the machine where the server sending the 503 is running; if both run at the same machine, the interface name would be lo

- /tmp/some_file_name.pcap is the name of the resulting file

- xyz is the tcp or udp port at which the server is listening.

The typical reason why a server would send 503 is that it has some serious problem, either with your message (such as when you send a message using a TCP transport and indicate an UDP Via), or it has some internal problem which is not related to the received message in particular. The server logs should tell you more but those log messages you've sent were not related.


Dne 20.3.2018 v 10:07 Sunil Kumar napsal(a):
Thanks for replying. What is the main cause of  of 503 service unavailable according to you. What is exact command for tcpdump.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 2:14 PM, Sunil Kumar < <>> wrote:

    Hi Pavel,
    Thanks for replying. I am using project clearwater, in which i am
    doing stress testing which is using SIPp basically. But when i am
    running that command all calls are failing giving 503 error, can
    you provide some solution regarding that.

    here i am trying 100 call 5 min is duration and this is going to
    *sprout node. * <> is my home domain
    *[]ubuntu@stress:~$ sudo /usr/share/clearwater/bin/run_stress <> 100 5*
    [sudo] password for ubuntu:
    Starting initial registration, will take 1 seconds
    Initial registration succeeded
    Starting test
    Test complete

    Elapsed time: 00:04:36
    Start: 2018-03-20 21:37:12.980619
    End: 2018-03-20 21:42:01.082712 <tel:01082712>

    Total calls: 5
    Successful calls: 0 (0.0%)
    Failed calls: 5 (100.0%)
    Unfinished calls: 0

    Retransmissions: 0

    Average time from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0.0ms
    # of calls with 0-2ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    # of calls with 2-10ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    # of calls with 10-20ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    # of calls with 20-50ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    # of calls with 50-100ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    # of calls with 100-200ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    # of calls with 200-500ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    # of calls with 500-1000ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    # of calls with 1000-2000ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    # of calls with 2000+ms from INVITE to 180 Ringing: 0 (0.0%)
    Failed: call success rate 0.0% is lower than target 100.0%!

    Total re-REGISTERs: 16
    Successful re-REGISTERs: 16 (100.0%)
    Failed re-REGISTERS: 0 (0.0%)

    REGISTER retransmissions: 0

    Average time from REGISTER to 200 OK: 52.0ms

    Log files at /var/log/clearwater-sip-stress/26840_*

    sprout node log:
    *[sprout]ubuntu@sprout:/var/log/sprout$ tail -50 sprout_current.txt*

    --end msg--
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    uri_classifier.cpp:139: home domain: false, local_to_node: true,
    is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, prefer_sip: true,
    treat_number_as_phone: false
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    uri_classifier.cpp:172: Classified URI as 3
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    common_sip_processing.cpp:180: Skipping SAS logging for OPTIONS
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    thread_dispatcher.cpp:554: Recieved message 0x7f32a422b620 on
    worker thread
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    thread_dispatcher.cpp:571: Admitted request 0x7f32a422b620 on
    worker thread
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    thread_dispatcher.cpp:606: Incoming message 0x7f32a422b620 cloned
    to 0x7f32a406b528
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    thread_dispatcher.cpp:625: Queuing cloned received message
    0x7f32a406b528 for worker threads with priority 15
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 0 for 0x2a0f708
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 0 for 0x2a0f780
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug utils.cpp:872:
    Added IOHook 0x7f32e076fe30 to stack. There are now 1 hooks
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    thread_dispatcher.cpp:178: Worker thread dequeue message
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    thread_dispatcher.cpp:183: Request latency so far = 82us
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug pjsip:
    sip_endpoint.c Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg
    OPTIONS/cseq=683401 (rdata0x7f32a406b528)
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    uri_classifier.cpp:139: home domain: false, local_to_node: true,
    is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, prefer_sip: true,
    treat_number_as_phone: false
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    uri_classifier.cpp:172: Classified URI as 3
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug pjsip:     
     endpoint Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=683401
    (tdta0x7f333c2de180) created
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Verbose
    common_sip_processing.cpp:103: TX 282 bytes Response msg
    200/OPTIONS/cseq=683401 (tdta0x7f333c2de180) to TCP <>:
    --start msg--

    SIP/2.0 200 OK
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;rport=46000;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-683401
    Call-ID: poll-sip-683401
    From: "poll-sip" <sip:poll-sip@
    To: <sip:poll-sip@
    CSeq: 683401 OPTIONS
    Content-Length:  0

    --end msg--
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    common_sip_processing.cpp:275: Skipping SAS logging for OPTIONS
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug pjsip:
    tdta0x7f333c2d Destroying txdata Response msg
    200/OPTIONS/cseq=683401 (tdta0x7f333c2de180)
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    thread_dispatcher.cpp:270: Worker thread completed processing
    message 0x7f32a406b528
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    thread_dispatcher.cpp:284: Request latency = 220us
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 220 for 0x2a0b778
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 220 for 0x2a0b7f0
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    load_monitor.cpp:341: Not recalculating rate as we haven't
    processed 20 requests yet (only 3).
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug utils.cpp:878:
    Removed IOHook 0x7f32e076fe30 to stack. There are now 0 hooks
    20-03-2018 16:07:52.719 UTC [7f32e0770700] Debug
    thread_dispatcher.cpp:158: Attempting to process queue element
    20-03-2018 16:07:54.720 UTC [7f32aa704700] Verbose pjsip:
    tcps0x7f32a422 TCP connection closed
    20-03-2018 16:07:54.720 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    connection_tracker.cpp:67: Connection 0x7f32a422b2e8 has been
    20-03-2018 16:07:54.720 UTC [7f32aa704700] Verbose pjsip:
    tcps0x7f32a422 TCP transport destroyed with reason 70016: End of
    file (PJ_EEOF)
    20-03-2018 16:07:56.623 UTC [7f32aa704700] Verbose pjsip:   
    tcplis:5052 TCP listener
    <>: got incoming TCP connection from <>, sock=442
    20-03-2018 16:07:56.623 UTC [7f32aa704700] Verbose pjsip:
    tcps0x7f32a422 tcp->base.local_name:
    20-03-2018 16:07:56.623 UTC [7f32aa704700] Verbose pjsip:
    tcps0x7f32a422 TCP server transport created
    20-03-2018 16:07:56.623 UTC [7f32aa704700] Verbose pjsip:
    tcps0x7f32a42b TCP connection closed
    20-03-2018 16:07:56.623 UTC [7f32aa704700] Debug
    connection_tracker.cpp:67: Connection 0x7f32a42bc998 has been
    20-03-2018 16:07:56.623 UTC [7f32aa704700] Verbose pjsip:
    tcps0x7f32a42b TCP transport destroyed with reason 70016: End of
    file (PJ_EEOF)

    On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 1:55 PM, Šindelka Pavel <
    <>> wrote:

        Hi Sunil,

        Please give some solution.

        Please give some information.

        From what you have sent so far it is clear that the 503 is
        coming from some UAS which I guess is not another SIPp
        instance running an UAS script. So either your UAC script in
        SIPp is sending something that makes that UAS go crazy, or
        that UAS has some problem irrelevant to SIPp at all.


        Dne 20.3.2018 v 9:12 Sunil Kumar napsal(a):
        Hi team sipp,
        I am getting SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable. Please give
        some solution.

        *[]ubuntu@stress:/var/log/clearwater-sip-stress$ cat
        sipp: The following events occured:
        2018-03-20      19:13:22.256018 1521553402.256018: Aborting
        call on unexpected message for Call-Id '1-21501@1':
        while expecting '183' (index 2), received 'SIP/2.0 503
        Service Unavailable
        Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-21501-1-0
        Record-Route: <
        Record-Route: <sip:scscf.sprout. <>
        Call-ID: 1-21501@ <mailto:1-21501@>
        From: <sip:2010000012@ <>
        To: <sip:2010000045@ <>
        CSeq: 1 INVITE
        P-Charging-Vector: icid-value="21501SIPpTag001";orig-ioi= <> ;term-ioi= <>
        P-Charging-Function-Addresses: ccf=
        Content-Length:  0


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