Hi Olivier,

looking at your command line with -m=1 and at the scenario, I suppose that the 
repeated REGISTER requests without the authentication header you can see are 
retransmissions of the initial one, implying that the sipp machine/process does 
not receive the responses from the Asterisk.

This can have a number of reasons:

  *   wrong population of the headers in the messages generated from the 
scenario (should not be the case as you've specified -i on the command line)
  *   routing issue (unlikely unless you've intentionally split 
into several subnets or misconfigured the network mask on either machine 
  *   Asterisk configuration issue (not permitting incoming registrations from 
this address/subnet)
  *   firewall issue on either machine

So SIPp logs, Asterisk logs, and tcpdump/Wireshark are your best friends. See 
whether the REGISTER arrives to the Asterisk, what is its contents, and whether 
the Asterisk responds at all and where it sends the responses.


Dne 25.10.2018 v 11:17 Olivier napsal(a):

I'm quite new to SIPp.
I've just discovered [1].
I'm testing this uac-auth.xml file with the bellow command against an Asterisk 

sipp -sf uac-auth.xml -au 7005 -ap 7005 -s 7005 -i 
-m 1

I see that Asterisk challenges incoming REGISTER with a WWW-Authenticate but 
SIPp does not reply with any new REGISTER with an Authorization header.
Instead, it keeps sending first REGISTER.

1. Am I correct to expect, with referenced uac-auth.xml, SIPp to send a 
REGISTER with an Authorization header ?

2. If negative, what should be changed to in uac-auth.xml to implement this ? 
If positive, is it correct to expect [authentication] lines in a REGISTER to be 
replaced with an Authorization built with data coming from matching 401 reply 
(nonce, realm, ...) ?

Best regards

[1] https://github.com/rkday/sipp-samples/blob/master/uac-auth.xml

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