Dear Users,

I have sipp version - SIPp v3.6-dev-112-g8c0e358-TLS-PCAP-RTPSTREAM

I have prepared a UAC scenario where
1. User sends SIP registration
2. Gets 401/200 OK and registers
3. Sends INVITE
3. Waits for 100/180/200
4. Sends ACK
5. Pauses for 4s and sends BYE
6. De-register the user

In step 3, I would like to timeout if User B does not answer (not receiving
200 OK within a certain time) with below
<recv response="200" ontimeout="BYE_AND_DEREGISTER">
 Unfortunately above does not work

I run SIPp with below flags
./sipp -bind_local -i -mp 50000 -t u1 -p 5060
-recv_timeout 3200 -sf register_and_call.xml -inf USER_A.csv -m 1 -trace_msg

Hope you can assist me

Thank You
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