I lost my superadmin password and then reset it according to the docs... http://sipx-wiki.calivia.com/index.php/SipX_ConfigServer_Troubleshooting#Forgot_superadmin_password
Then I try to change the sip password(which I think is the web login password) and I get An internal error has occurred. Click here<https://sipx.myvoicetouch.com:8443/sipxconfig/app?service=restart>to continue. Looking futher, it is getting permission denied on a NON-EXISTENT file(I checked and the directory mailstore does not even exist let alone the file itself). How do I fix this? I completely did a "yum remove sipxecs" and reinstalled it. Is there a better way to clean up on an uninstall? Error below(from inside webpage as docs said...ps. that was cool!!!).... <tr class="exception-name"> <td colspan="2">org.apache.tapestry.BindingException</td> </tr> <tr class="exception-message"> <td colspan="2">Exception invoking listener method onOk of component EditUser/formActions: Exception invoking listener method commit of component EditUser: Failure invoking listener method 'public void org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.site.user.EditUser.commit()' on [EMAIL PROTECTED]: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/sipxdata/mediaserver/data/mailstore/superadmin/savemessage.vxml (Permission denied)</td> -- Dean Hiller CEO/Founder of Extreme Software Offshoring http://xsoftware.biz http://www.linkedin.com/in/deanhiller Beijing Cell: 136-991-41547 US Phone: 303-376-5776
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