Michael LeBlanc wrote:
> Thanks Damian -- I modified the LDAP import entry in the cron_schedule
> table, and it seems to have worked.

Nice! How many users do you have?

> We were going to schedule these imports to run every 15 minutes. Off
> hand, do you know which processes use significant CPU -- is it
> sipXconfig, or Postgres?

Well - even if it is postgres it's because sipXconfig does not make an
honest attempt to optimize DB access during import.

> I've added the LDAP import SOAP API call to JIRA:
> http://track.sipfoundry.org/browse/XCF-3270

thanks - accepted - patches welcomed

> I don't suppose there are any plans to implement real-time LDAP lookups
> in sipXecs down the road? It would be an ideal scenario for our
> environment....

As you can imagine sipx needs some extra information associated with each
user. Asking people to configure LDAP schema so that is acceptable to all
interested parties is more of an organizational than a technical problem.

That said sipXconfig is quite modular: It might require some code
rearranging but implementing user service backed by the LDAP directly (and
not by the DB) is certainly possible and probably would be an interesting

To me LDAP always seemed to be much better at lookups and searches then
enumerating and scanning. But it might just be my misguided intuition and I
would happily change my mind if real word results would demonstrate that
such a solution is viable.


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