Did I hit a nerve.
The mouth piece speaks.  You stopped being relevant 2 years ago.  Are you on 
the payroll?  Who are you anyway?  You were not invited to this conversation.

Re: [sipx-users] Can support one and two armed operation: ?? to Ranga
  a.. From: "Tony Graziano" <tgrazi...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
  b.. Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 10:53:15 -0500 


Oh it's you again. I am of the opinion everything you don't agree with you see 
as a conspiracy. I'm sure you can find a revolution to join somewhere! 
-----Original Message-----
From: "voice" <vo...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:  <sipx-us...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: voice <vo...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Sent: 2/25/2009 10:39:08 AM
Subject: [sipx-users] Can support one and two armed operation: ?? to Ranga

That wiki is out of day 3 months ago.  Your recommendation has no workable 
outcome.  You are handling us.

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