>>> On 4/28/2009 at 11:40 AM, in message
<c5d7630b5adb7744adfebc167bc04a43615...@lonsbs-onrel01.onrelay.local>, "Gabor
Paller" <gabor.pal...@onrelay.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> One of our customers is interested, how to activate immediate
> forwarding. E.g. 200 is forwarded to 202 and it happens immediately, 200
> does not ring first, only 202. Is there any way to do it with SipX 4.0?
> Regards,
> Gabor
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I'm not sure I completely understand your question.

If you want 202 to ring ONLY and not even send the invite to 200, I am doubtful 
there is a way to do that in either 3.10x or 4.0x.

We have a customer who desires this, in the end we settled on a function in 
Polycom to forward the calls, which essentially puts the original target in DND 
for that line. We also are able to tell this works if the phone power cycles 
(it remembers the setting), but the feature needs to be enabled on the phone 
itself. The particular site I mention has a need to forward the calls "on 
demand" to an off-site/live answering service. So in this case we created a 
phanton user (line with phone) and set a permanent forward to the phone number 
fo that live service), and set the callerid for the phanton line to a number 
the live service expects to see so it is consistent. Then the line is forwarded 
from the phone to the internal phantom user, and has not been problematic, 
though I'd like it to be built into the system somehow, but not had the time to 
write up why I think it's necessary yet. I'd like it ultimately to be a IVR or 
DTMF function within the personal auto attendant as a speci!
 al feature. Right now, for this particular need, it does work.

At the same time, the ideal place to do this is in your gateway. Some gateways 
(Patton) can do this according to a pre-determined schedule.

Can you be more specific what it is you are trying to achieve?

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