>> I found a problem in the sipxbridge code. Please check out r15319. I
>> believe it is fixed. Please try it before bothering with a snapshot.

> The build number for 4.0 from last night is 15289, so it appears that I'll
> have to wait until tomorrow to test this fix.

I have been reading all of the chatter regarding the location of the latest
4.0 builds and noticed that you also have it in pub and not just temp.

It appears that I can test this today, as the build in
../pub/sipXecs/4.0/CentOS/5/i386/RPM/ is at r15321 (newer than the one in
temp). I will update and test shortly.

Just my two cents, but I also find this a little confusing. Personally, I
don't think 4.0 should be in pub until it's final.

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