On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 08:22 -0700, Charles Chalekson wrote:
> I have just upgrade to 4.0 and am having issues receiving VM properly.
> I will leave a message to one of the users and the VM does not show up
> on the BLF indicator, on the web gui for that user and is not
> delivered through email notification that has been set up for that
> account [it was working fine in 3.10].  I have also tried pressing #
> after leaving the message which does not change the situation.  This
> is a iso install to 4.0.  If I go to call history, the call is listed
> as going to VM for that extension.
> What is the most preferable thing to upload for troubleshooting,
> uploading a trace of one of these calls or uploading the merged call
> log???

A snapshot is really best.  

The logs to look in for errors before you open an issue are
mediaserver.log (which answers the call), mediaserver_cgi.log (which is
the vxml backend and mailstore), and httpd_error_log (the web server
those cgis are running in).

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