Ok, so slap a separate small firewall in between Vlan 2 and Vlan 3...
have the PBX and phones point to it for a default gateway and have
routes to point to another router to get to VLan 1 if you need to.

On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 03:22 -0400, Andreas (Around the Clock Information
Systems) wrote:
> Dear Mr. Picher, (and list)
>       Thanks for your suggestion; unfortunately in the environment that I
> described below, creating a new VLAN is not an option for multiple reasons
> which would take me way too long to explain.  Perhaps a little more
> information is in order however:
> This network has three spokes, which are also represented by three unique
> VLAN's
> VLAN1 - Internal Private LAN, Class C, 192.168.XX.XXX, DHCP
> VLAN2 - DMZ, Class B, 172.XX.XXX.XXX, All hosts have Static IP's
> VLAN3 - External (faces the inside port of the default gateway),
> 12.160.XX.XXX
> The sipXecs PBX would be servicing telephones on VLAN2.  I envisioned eth0
> being connected to this VLAN (VLAN2), and eth1 being connected to VLAN3 with
> a static Internet IP.  In case I wasn't clear below, the sipXecs would be
> hosting its own DNS (BIND), DHCP and TFTP for the phones.  With the
> exception of DNS, there are no other Windows services that would be in
> conflict on the VLAN2 subnet; nor would the telephone system be relying on
> any Windows services to function.  
> Additional recommendations graciously welcomed :-)
> Andreas
> Systems Engineer
> Around the Clock Information Systems
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org
> [mailto:sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Michael Picher
> Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 8:30 AM
> To: Andreas (Around the Clock Information Systems)
> Cc: sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: Re: [sipx-users] Redundant network interfaces
> Why don't you put the PBX on its own VLan, you can set the devices on
> that network to have a different firewall as a default gateway.  Also,
> then your DHCP / DNS are separate from the Windows environment and thus
> you are not defendant on the Windows services to keep your phone system
> running...
> Mike
> On Wed, 2009-06-03 at 03:20 -0400, Andreas (Around the Clock Information
> Systems) wrote:
> > Dear sipXecs Users, Experts and Developers,
> > 
> >     I stood up my first sipXecs machine a little over a month ago (build
> > 4.0.0-015321) and after about a week of on and off tinkering, I pretty
> much
> > have everything working.  This particular server happens to have two NIC's
> > in it, and before I thoroughly read all the documentation, thought that
> I'd
> > point eth0 towards the internal LAN and eth1 towards the public Internet.
> > My logic was that the internal (LAN facing) NIC would service all the
> phones
> > and handle all intranet calls (extension to extension), while the external
> > (Internet facing) NIC would handle any calls destined to our ITSP and
> > ultimately the PSTN.  After struggling with this configuration for a day
> or
> > two, I discovered this tiny little Wiki page titled "Redundant network
> > interfaces" at the address of
> > http://sipx-wiki.calivia.com/index.php/Redundant_network_interfaces.
> > Technically, these are NOT "redundant".  They actually serve two different
> > purposes (in my mind) as described above.  Here is the quote from that
> page
> > that concerns me:
> > 
> > "It may or may not be possible to run sipXpbx on a system that has
> multiple
> > IP interfaces, but the results may be unpredictable and it is not
> > recommended."
> > 
> >     Bummer. . .  If only I had discovered that sooner, I could have
> > saved myself three failed install attempts (twice from the sipXecs IP PBX
> > Single Install CD, and one from scratch).
> > 
> >     So, those of you who made it this far are probably saying to
> > yourselves "is this guy ever going to get to the point?" or "is there a
> > question in here somewhere?".  Please be patient, I'm almost there. . .
> > 
> > Here's my situation: In the next 30 days I will be asked to stand up a
> > production sipXecs server on an otherwise 100% M$ Windows only network
> which
> > utilizes Microsoft ISA Server as its firewall.  From what I have read so
> > far, M$ ISA Server does not play nicely with IP based PBX's that need to
> be
> > connected to the outside world.  My plan was to bypass the ISA Server and
> > configure the NIC's of this production sipXecs system in a similar fashion
> > as I described above.  In spite of the "results may be unpredictable and
> it
> > is not recommended" statement above; I have read on this very list that
> > there are those among you who have successfully gotten "multiple IP
> > interfaces" working on their sipXecs servers.  That's the background
> > information.  Here are my specific questions:
> > 
> > 1.) DNS - I have learned the hard way that proper DNS configuration is
> > critical for proper sipXecs operation.  If using DNS (BIND) and DHCP on
> the
> > sipXecs server itself, how does a proper DNS configuration on a dual NIC
> > server differ from a sipXecs server with a single NIC? 
> > 
> > 2.) What are your recommendations with regard to configuration order?
> I.E.
> > System, Devices, Users, Features, etc.  Would you recommend any specific
> > deviation in the configuration order as recommend by "The sipXecs IP PBX
> > Configuration Server" Wiki page at
> >
> http://sipx-wiki.calivia.com/index.php/The_sipXecs_IP_PBX_Configuration_Serv
> > er?
> > 
> > 3.) Gotchya's?  Are there any specific sipXecs services that
> > absolutely-positively will not work on a multiple IP interface
> > configuration?
> > 
> > 4.) Am I dreaming?  Wasting my time?  Barking up the wrong IP PBX tree?
> > 
> >     To all that have made it this far, thank you for reading, thanks for
> > your time, and I look forward to your input/suggestions.
> > 
> > Best wishes,          
> > 
> > Andreas
> > Systems Engineer
> > Around the Clock Information Systems
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