Hi Kevin

I ran the DNS advisor from a MS server box and this is what was said.  What is 
my callserver-name?  It looks like i should be running the sipx-dns on the 
sipx1 box.  The dns-advisor statement is under-stated.  Please advise.

i guess it should look like this from the linux command line: sipx-dns 
callserver-name/  is system-name the FQDN?


DNS Advisor
Validates DNS for the entire cluster and shows DNS results 
Provide DNS  Indicates that the DNS service is to be hosted on the callserver 


 DNS Configuration ERROR
Indicates if the DNS configuration is valid or not 
  a.. Hide details 
  To generate DNS records:

    sipx-dns <sip-domain> <callserver-name>[/<ipaddr>]...
             [ { -o | --other } <system-name>[/<ipaddr>] ] ...
             [ { -z | --zone } [ { -s | --serial } <serial-suffix> ] ]
             [ { -p | --provide-dns } ]

      Output DNS records in BIND format for sipXecs services.  
      The records are printed on the standard output.

      The --zone option adds a header to the output that makes
      it a complete zone file (see 'FULL ZONE' below).

  To validate existing (live) DNS configuration:

    sipx-dns { -t | --test }
             <sip-domain> <callserver-name>[/<ipaddr>]...
             [ { -o | --other } <system-name>[/<ipaddr>] ] ...
             [ { -p | --provide-dns } ]
             [ { -v | --verbose } ]

      Checks that the DNS contains all the records required by the 
      configuration described by the remaining arguments.

      Error messages are printed for any missing records, including
      the records as they should be configured.

      The exit status is zero if all required records are found, 
      non-zero if not.

  Common argument descriptions:


        Is the domain that to be used as the domain part of your SIP
        addresses.  Typically, this is your top level domain name
        (example.com).  If any callserver or system names are not fully
        qualified (do not contain any '.' characters), then this domain
        is appended to those names to create fully qualified names.


        This is the name of a sipXecs server in your domain that
        is running the Call Router (sipXproxy) service.

    --other | -o system-name/ipaddr

        Specifies a name/address pair that is not a callserver.

    --provide-dns | -p 

        Indicates that the DNS service is to be hosted on the callserver

    --version | -V

        Prints the version of this utility and immediately exits.

    --help | -h | -?

        Prints this usage information.


    The --zone option causes a zone header to be output.  This output is 
    suitable as a complete zone file for 'bind'.  

    You MUST:

    - Provide either 'callserver' or 'other' system arguments for ALL systems
      in the domain.

    - Provide the '/ipaddr' part of each system (callserver or other) argument.

    - Every callserver is assumed to also be a DNS server for the domain 
      (this is recommended practice anyway for performance and stability 

    The '--serial' option accepts a number that is the number of times the 
    sipx-dns command output has been used in the same day to configure a running
    dns server.  This can be omitted if you are running the command only once.
    It is used to generate the zone serial number so that secondary servers 
    will recognize when the master server has been updated and trigger 


    PTR records for reverse (address to name) lookups are not
    generated.  They are nice to have for system management, but 
    sipXecs does not need them.

Attachment: bullet_error.png
Description: Binary data

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