On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 09:59 +0800, jun,wen wrote:
> Yes, Scott, I did forget to put a FXO gateway in my blacklist dial plan.
> When I added my FXO gateway, my sipx responded "486 Busy here" when I dialed
> the called party number inside my blacklist and my Grandstream sip phone got
> busy tone. Is it the designed or expected behavior on this scenario ? If
> yes, can I forward to some of specific announcement to play alert ?

Well, there isn't a blacklist feature, so there isn't a defined

You could define an autoattendant, add blacklisted numbers to it as
aliases, and record a greeting for it that says "you're calling a
blacklisted number"... then you don't need a dial plan at all.

An interesting note: an alias takes precedence over an external number. 

If you have 10 digit external numbers (that is, you have a dial plan
that matches 10 digits and routes the call to a gateway), and you give
some extension (or hunt group, or AA, or whatever) an alias that's a 10
digit number, then the alias will control the call routing and the dial
plan will not be evaluated.  

This is not true of dial plans that do _not_ specify a gateway; they
apply anyway - the call would go both to whatever the alias did _and_
what the dial plan did.

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