I attached the XML file (with some IP and name modifications to
protect the innocent :-P ) and now that I'm looking at it, the
emergency section doesn't have any <callerLocationMatch> tags in it.
Is sipXconfig supposed to write those out for the emergency rule?

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Robert Joly<rj...@nortel.com> wrote:
>> Situation: 2 gateways set up for two different locations. One
>> user group is set to send calls (local and emergency) out of
>> one gateway, the other group out the other gateway. sipX will
>> obey the source call routing rules on the local dial plan
>> rule and send the call out the appropriate gateway, but will
>> ignore the source call routing settings in the emergency dial
>> plan rule. sipX defaults, no matter what (even if the gateway
>> is not shared) to the first available gateway in the list and
>> sends the emergency call out the first available gateway. The
>> expected action is that the emergency dial plan rule should
>> follow source call routing rules as all the other dial plan
>> rules do. Has anyone else had this issue?
> That sounds less than ideal.  I would very much like to look at your
> /etc/sipxpbx/fallbackrules.xml if you could send it to me.
> Thanks,
> bob
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mappings xmlns="http://www.sipfoundry.org/sipX/schema/xml/fallback-00-00";>
      <!--Emergency Calling-->
      <!--Express Messaging-->
      <description>Express Messaging</description>
      <!--Analog Lines-->
      <description>All Nortel phones</description>
      <description>Local dialing</description>
      <!--8 Long Distance-->
      <description>Special Rule to allow for dialing 8 for long distance</description>
      <!--Long Distance-->
      <description>Long distance dialing plan</description>
      <!--Toll free-->
      <description>Toll free dialing</description>
      <!--Toll free-->
      <description>Toll free dialing</description>
      <!--Toll free-->
      <description>Toll free dialing</description>
      <!--Toll free-->
      <description>Toll free dialing</description>
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