> Situation: 2 gateways set up for two different locations. One 
> user group is set to send calls (local and emergency) out of 
> one gateway, the other group out the other gateway. sipX will 
> obey the source call routing rules on the local dial plan 
> rule and send the call out the appropriate gateway, but will 
> ignore the source call routing settings in the emergency dial 
> plan rule. sipX defaults, no matter what (even if the gateway 
> is not shared) to the first available gateway in the list and 
> sends the emergency call out the first available gateway. The 
> expected action is that the emergency dial plan rule should 
> follow source call routing rules as all the other dial plan 
> rules do. Has anyone else had this issue?

I was able to reproduce this problem on my side.  It appears that
sipXconfig does not add any <callerLocationMatch> clauses to the
emergency dialplan which explains what you are seeing.  I opened a new
tracker for this.  See XX-6412.
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