On Sat, 2009-09-05 at 08:18 -0400, Dale Worley wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 23:16 -0400, John Buswell wrote:
> > You can achieve (1) by using separate chroot environments (one per  
> > instance). I set this up about a year ago for a client, had no  
> > problems with it.
> When using chroot, can you avoid installing sipXecs separately into each
> environment?  (We want to do that, so the kernel knows that all the
> processes are executing the same binary.)

In theory, you could do this by creating the right hard links.  You need
to build a chroot environment for each that has everything in it, but
they can all be links to the same files, and then the OS would do the
right thing.

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