On Wed, 2009-10-21 at 11:32 -0500, Josh Patten wrote:
> I realize there is an issue in Jira pertaining to this ( 
> http://track.sipfoundry.org/browse/XX-4821 ) but I was wondering if any 
> thought had been put into implementing user invokable day/night auto 
> attendant services. It really makes sense for departments with variable 
> hours.
> I don't think there would be too much work involved to get this working 
> in FreeSWITCH, though I could be wrong? Also, if you want this feature, 
> go vote on it.

Would this work:

Create an auto-attendant or mailbox or whatever you want when there's no
one to answer the phone.

Set the forwarding on the user who aught to answer the phone to forward
to that after a nice long timeout.

Set that users phone to present multiple calls (so that it doesn't roll
over when two calls come close together).

When you want to go into unattended mode, press the Do Not Disturb
button on the phone - all calls will now roll over immediately.

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