You are right by what you say with digit matching in the phone, but we 
have an operlapping german numbering plan, so that you have never fixed 
lenght numbers so you can never say there are exactly 8 digits, could 7 
  or 9 also.

So we start to dial and the other pbx tells you when enough digits have 
arrived to complete the call.

I need to hit dial, or wait until the interdigit timer times out. This 
is uncommon in Germany.

In H323 this is easer, as it is build upon q931 and overlap dialling is 
an ISDN feature.

Thanks for you answer, sipxecs is good  product.

Good work!

Scott Lawrence schrieb:
> On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 22:09 +0100, Kalle Tetto wrote:
>> Hi,
>> are there any plans to implement overlap sending and receiving with 
>> sipx? That would be a nice feature for germany, austria and denmark.
>> I know that asterisk hast support and patton inalp. I have spoken to a 
>> Cisco router developer, they have develeoped it, but as far as there is 
>> no PBX, cisco does not supportt this on SIP in CUCM, they will not put 
>> it into their IOS.
>> Just curios, but would be great for us and would push sipx alot.
> By 'overlap sending', do you mean sending one digit at a time to the PBX
> and making the call when the dial string is complete?
> If so, no - that's not currently on the roadmap.
> In SIP, that's something of an "unnatural act".  There is a way to do
> it, although I don't know how many of the phones we support can do it
> (because I have not checked): every digit causes an INVITE request, and
> any failure that _might_ be a valid number returns a special error code.
> Supporting this actually forces administrators to set up old-style dial
> plans that have unique prefix strings to disambiguate long and short
> dial strings that otherwise might overlap.  It also adds a lot of load
> to the servers.
> The better way to do this in SIP, which requires no server support at
> all, is to write digit maps in your phone configurations that cause the
> phone to emulate this behavior locally in the phone.  We don't have any
> way to do this automatically now, but there are people on this list
> who've done quite a bit of it.

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